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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

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Life can get busy and scheduling an eye exam can take a backseat to other priorities. Especially when you do not have an understanding of how much time to set out for a visit to your optometrist. 

Typically, a comprehensive eye exam lasts anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, with the duration being dependent on your vision needs. Throughout the appointment, our team will perform a variety of tests and engage in detailed discussions to ensure you gain a thorough understanding of your vision and eye health.

The Length of Your Eye Exam

Let us walk you through our patients’ journey from start to finish! We begin with checking you in at our reception desk. An initial assessment is performed in our pretesting room before seeing our optometrist, this provides us with an initial understanding of your prescription and eye health. You then proceed to our exam lane for further examination where the optometrist will assess your vision, alignment of the eyes, and the health of the eyes. To have a close look at your eye health, our eye doctor recommends dilation drops to examine the retina and optic nerve. The length of the exam is dependent on a distinct combination of tests performed to address the specific requirement of your eye health.

Book your comprehensive eye exam with inFocus Vision Care in Mississauga, Ontario.

Preparing for Your Eye Exam

When you schedule an eye exam with us, we will provide you with instructions. The following are some common tips that you can use to prepare for your appointment:

  • Bring all relevant medical information
  • Gain a thorough understanding of your family’s medical health history prior to your appointment
  • Bring an up-to-date list of medications (including over-the-counter eye drops) 
  • Bring sunglasses or a driver to bring you to and from your appointment (when eyes are dilated, there can be blurred vision and/or increased sensitivity to light)
  • Bring your current eyeglasses and/or contact lenses
  • Bring any insurance coverage information

Additionally, we provide the following evaluation services at our clinic:

Glaucoma Workup (Time: 45-60 minutes) 

  • Symptoms of glaucoma can include vision problems caused by damage to the optic nerve. To further examine the optic nerve, our optometrists may recommend a scan of your optic nerve to assess the tissue thickness and visual field test to evaluate your peripheral vision.

Binocular Vision Assessment (Time: 60 minutes) 

  • Binocular vision testing can help your eye doctor identify vision problems that otherwise might go undetected during a routine vision test or eye exam. Binocular vision involves focusing both of your eyes on the same object at the same time. Evaluating the eye teaming and eye focusing system can help the optometrist determine if you would be a good candidate for vision therapy.

Visual Field Assessment (Time: 15 minutes)

  • To diagnose or monitor different eye conditions, your eye doctor performs a visual field test to measure two important aspects: the points you are able to detect and their sensitivity of each given point in your peripheral vision. This test demonstrates the extent to which your peripheral vision expands.

Contact Lens Assessment (Time: 30 minutes)

  • It is important to undergo a contact lens (CL) assessment followed by a comprehensive eye exam if you are an existing wearer or are interested in being a CL wearer. Our optometrists will assess the fitting of the contact lenses to ensure that they are the right fit for the shape of your eyes. 

Retinal Assessment (Time: 60 minutes)

  • To visualize the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels at the back of the eye, retinal imaging involves dilating the pupils and using a bright light and a special microscope. Our eye doctor uses these images and scans side-by-side to keep track of any changes over the years. Retinal imaging allows for early detection of eye diseases. 

Dispensing (Time: variable)

  • In addition to eye examinations, inFocus Vision Care offers eyewear. Whether you are seeking eyeglasses for indoor or outdoor use, we are here to help! We strive to make shopping as simple as possible for our patients. We will guide you through lens options, frame materials, sun protection, and more. We look forward to helping you find your picture-perfect pair of glasses. Visit us today to learn more.

If you would like to book an appointment, shop for eyewear, or find out more information, you can visit our website, give us a call, or send an email.

Schedule Your Annual Eye Exam

An eye exam’s length depends on your specific vision needs. It’s important to remember, however, that even if your eye exam takes longer than expected, it’s worth the extra time. 

Consult with the eye care professional if you have specific scheduling needs or are concerned about the duration of your eye exam. If possible, they may be able to offer you alternative appointment times or suggest ways to reschedule the exam without compromising quality. 

Call us today if you are due for a comprehensive eye exam! Keep your eyes healthy by having regular eye exams at inFocus Vision Care.

Written by Dr. Sandip Randhawa

Sandip Randhawa graduated with her combined Doctorate of Optometry and Masters in Vision Science at the State University of New York (SUNY), College of Optometry. In pursuit to provide the highest level of care Dr. Randhawa completed her residency specializing in Ocular Disease and Primary Care from Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. She received advanced training in areas of glaucoma management, anterior segment diseases and neuro-optometry.

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